Women For Climate

Women For Climate


15:00 - 17:00

Event Type

EUREL vabi k udeležbi na spletni seminar, ki se osredotoča na dosežke, izzive in priložnosti za ženske na področju električne in energetske industrije.

Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku.

Dogodek je brezplačen.

Več o seminarju

OE, Ordem dos Engenheiros in Portugal and EUREL kindly invites everyone who wants to listen and engage to inspiring women for climate.

We bring together distinguished professionals and experts to create an engaging platform for powerful discussions, knowledge sharing, and inspiration on following topics:

  • Perspectives on the energy transition – everything starts with a rock – Karen Hanghøj (General Director of the British Geological Survey)
  • Building a resilient and carbon neutral energy systems – Iva Brkic (Program Officer for Sustainable Energy at UNECE)
  • Not weakness, but strength: the role of listening in building relationships and effecting change – Julie Hollis (Secretary General of EuroGeoSurveys)
  • Building women’s capacity for Climate Action – Maria da Graça Carvalho (Member of the European Parliament)
  • Women in Energy: from oil to renewable – Maria João C.P. Rolim (Partner of Rolim Goulart Cardoso, Lawyer, and Economist)

Moderation by Teresa Ponce de Leão (Chair of Excutive Board LNEG)

Vabilo s programom

Prijava na dogodek (spletna stran za prijavo je v nemškem jeziku)

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