Electronics, Automatic Control and Measurement
Electronics is the electrotechnical area focused on electrical equipment used to control, measure, present… Microtechnologies enable new ways to design devices; they also enable higher reliability and miniaturization. The embedded systems are computer structures, usually hidden in devices and equipment which extends from mobile phones, different machines and devices to automobiles, airplanes, systems for control of processes and systems of big infrastructures. The embedded systems are essential for operation control and supervision. The Electrotechnical Association of Slovenia stimulates the use of electronics in the areas of traffic, technical security, audio and video activities and elsewhere.
Automatics is more and more present in the human residential as well as working environment. Automatics is of course essential part of manufacturing, transport, civil, medical and other activities. The fact is that new professional areas of automatics are emerging, robotics and mechatronics for example. The level of so-called intelligence built into systems is increasing.
The development of Measurement techniques goes in several directions: higher accuracy and requirements, fulfilment of the environmental requirements and measurement of unimaginable stress, tiredness and other subjective characteristics. Electrical measurements are methods, devices and calculations used for the measuring of electrical parameters. Measuring of electrical parameters can be used for the measurement of electrical characteristics of a system. With converters it is possible to convert physical parameters like temperature, pressure, flow, force and many others into electrical signals which can be measured and noted in a simple way. Measurement techniques are gaining importance in new areas like: economy and commerce, environment preservation, health protection, crime prevention, traffic infrastructure, biology, chemistry and food. In addition, the measuring is more and more clever or intelligent. This means a new generation of the measuring equipment where integrated electronic technology is supplemented with the information and telecommunication technologies.
- Slovenian Society for Intelligent Transport Systems
- Slovenian Society for Lighting
- Slovenian Society of Automaticians
- Slovenian Society for Measurement and Processing Techniques
- Symposia ISEP