Electrotechnical Association of Slovenia with all members is making a continuous program of activities for key professional public and also for general public.
Activities mean also program of work for technical regulations, EZS Academy, development of eTest sheme, work shops, networking, conferences simposia, publications, terminology and technical heritage.
Main target is to fullfil demands of professional work in electrotechnical area and civil society.
The EZS mission in the field of technical regulations and standardization is centered to production of technical guidelines for the government authorities.
Within the EZS, the board of the terminology is active and its goal is to develop proper Slovenian terms in the field of electrical engineering.
The certification procedures for the companies and personal are aimed to produce the certified personal for work in the area of explosion danger, at low voltage installations, at lightning protection, and at power system installation and equipment control.
Interconnecting identifies need and openness of the EZS in these activities and leads us to take part in them to enhance striving for improving business and societal environment.
The EZS conducts various workshops offering to the interested community information on latest trends of development in various technical areas.
Electrotechnical Association of Slovenia publishes guidelines, handbooks, recommendations, proceedings, dictionaries and many others.
Electrotechnical Association of Slovenia with all members is making a continuous program of activities for key professional public and also for general public.
Elektrotehniška zveza Slovenije je aktivna na področjih, ki pomagajo izboljšati in urejati delovne procese, obenem pa s povezovanjem strokovnjakov na različnih področjih, tudi iz elektrogospodarstva, prispeva k napredku znanosti in inovacij.
Del poslanstva Elektrotehniške zveze Slovenije je tudi zavedanje, da na mladih svet stoji in zavedanje da tudi učitelji in profesorji vplivajo na videnje aktualnega stanja in razvoja stroke.
Elektrotehniška zveza Slovenije stremi k čim večjem vključevanju strokovnjakov v svoje delo. Pomembno je prepoznati in vključiti osebe, ki želijo še na drugačen način prispevati in deliti svoje znanje.